






JS Library, Accessibility

Blurred Background Image
foxvoice.js's Large Project/Website Image

foxvoice.js is a project that we are currently developing to allow users with/without disabilities to control and browse your website and find key information entirely by voice commands.

The Project

The initial plan was brought about when we decided we would like users to be able to browse our website and find the information through voice commands. We quickly realised how beneficial this may be for users with visual impairments such as being partially blind, farsighted or have a disability which may affect how you find the key information you need.

With foxvoice.js, the end goal is to create a javascript library that can be easily implemented into any website or application and configured within minutes. The library as a whole will be completely free and open-source to allow users to further extend the functionality and really create something bespoke for their service.

There is currently no public version available as foxvoice.js is still under development but check back another time to find out more about the project.

– The ninthfloor team